
Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community

We believe in and support our people. Our goal is to develop a culture that thrives on individual and organization productivity and accountability, continuous improvement, diversity, and exceptional service.

Our students are our priority. To provide and support them, we create a diverse and inclusive culture for our teachers, leaders and staff.

As Ohio’s largest school district, Columbus City Schools is proud to be an inclusive, diverse, and equity-centered urban institution that strives to be a model of excellence in public education.


Inclusion means that all people, regardless of their abilities, disabilities, or health care needs, have the right to be respected, participate, work at a competitive wage, and have careers that meet their fullest potential


We know we work better when we work together. So as a member of the Columbus City Schools family you’ll be given the tools, encouragement to work as a team.


We know we work better when we work together. So as a member of the Columbus City Schools family you’ll be given the tools, encouragement to work as a team.